Monday, January 11, 2021

Production Company Name

(Content and quotes from research:

Since my production company name will be included in the opening scene (on the library's automatic doors when they shut) I will have to do production name research and then I would like to experiment with making a logo or two. 

How to Come Up with Creative Business Name Ideas for Your Company 

1. Make it original

Explore keywords, look in a book or the dictionary to find words that resonate with you. 

Shift words around, create a running and unedited short list of words and keep iterating. When you think you have come up with everything, keep going. 

2. Make it future-proof

Do not create a name that you will eventually grow out of. Think of the possibilities of the brand and then determine the more encompassing name. 

Story vs. product - think of the company's story and values that make you different from others. 

3. Make it user friendly

Say it. Spell it. Type it. Make sure these are all easy to do. 

Limit yourself to company names with one or two words. Think of a logo design. Get feedback. 

4. Make sure it is available

You will want to have a website with your brand as a domain in a .com form. Be sure it is available. If you can't have it in .com, it isn't the end of the world, but it is the best if you can get it. Look at domain websites like Name Cheap and Go-daddy to check on the domain availability and social platforms to see if other smaller companies with that name might exist, just not as a .com website. If it isn't available, you can add something to the beginning or end of the name (like "the," "hello," or the name of your service ["coffee"]). 

5. Make sure you love it!

I chose "the Savannah Pictures," because Cambridge wants to prevent any possible bias in using full names in the production company name (so I did not add my last name).

I chose this name because it satisfies the rules listed in this video. The name is unique, as it is my first name. I have checked many sources and found that it is available as a company, especially when I add my service ("pictures") to the end and "the" to the beginning. It is future proof because no matter what I add to the company in the future, it will always be my name (at least the first name will, so Savannah works, not necessarily my last name as I will likely get married and change my last name). The pictures part of the name tells the primary focus of the company and allows for a lot of future change (like adding animation, augmented and mixed reality content, advertisements, photography etc.). "Savannah" is easy to spell, type, and say as it is not only a well-known city in Georgia, but also a common term for an African plain. I also love my name and this company name. 

I have purchased I am sure that the .com domain name is secured. 

The name will be "The Savannah Pictures."

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